Friday, 2 January 2015

Who you are...Digging Deep.

Intros and sidesteps aside, I'm RSR and yes that IS my real name('s initials :P)

I'm still new to this blogging thing so, bare with me!

As stated you should at least vaguely guess why I am here and devoting my time to writing this blog. I've decided to finally take this approach, to build up a following and an audience of loyal and dedicated readers that I could tap into when my first novel(and several shorter novellas) gets released.

I'll let details and tid bits about moi spill out and trickle down over time. For now just know that I'm a rambler and yes I'm most likely insane!


To want to be a writer, I suppose you'd have to be at least partially insane.

I tried to get away from this lifestyle but it calls to me, by which I mean the ideas that swirl around inside my brain crane just wont slow down and writing them out, fleshing them out so they are detailed and well rounded, it just calms it all down.
Go ahead, google that away and webMD me ;) haha

jk but I'd totally do that and then have pseudo-evil genius thoughts about how I totally just "solved" this random online lunat...I mean person :D

speaking of rambling...(not that anyone was...what are these parenthesis for anyways..inner monologues?..) you ever get those pop-ups where it talks about how "I made millions" etc etc
and then you reply to it verbally and aloud but sarcastically (has GOT to be sarcastically or it's just not worth it brah...apparently my inner monologue possibly snowboards and is most definitely Caucasian but wears dreadlocks...side inner monologue note..totally had a friend in the ninth grade that wouldn't believe me when I told him Caucasian didn't refer to people of Asian decent).

don't know if that last line was supposed to be a question but like got abortioned early on or if I just got so caught up in the inner monologue that I lost all interest.

anywho!(yes I say anywho I'm one of THOSE people)

I'm RSR, I'm insane(partially, but hey aren't we all) and I'm a ramblin'

so stay tuned(but like not pin point accuracy tuned..cause I DO still have some semblance of a life to lead lol and I hope you do too but if you don't ya know it's cool, I don't judge..that's a lie I totally judge) for more InsanityRambles, From The Mind of RSR!

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